Find a comfortable sitting position, preferably with your legs in the tailor or lotus position, and sit with your
spine straight. Breathe in and out a few times, feel yourself relax and breathe deeply with your belly.

Imagine a spinning, pulsating circle of red light at the bottom of your body, where you have ground contact
when you are sitting. Further visualise that this gets bigger and bigger and eventually covers the entire lower
part of your spine/body. Further visualise that you are drawing in energy from outside/below the earth
into this chakra until you feel that the lower part of your body is filled with this energy.

Draw more and more energy in, as if you were filling a tank or similar, and let it coil like a snake
around your lower chakra. Then let the snake raise its head and let the energy flow move upwards
to your next chakra, swadhistana, let it spin around this chakra, and visualise an orange light filling
this area, an orange light that pulses and spins and grows bigger and bigger, as you continue
pulling in energy from below, in through the root chakra, and allowing it to rise up and fill your other chakra
until you feel the whole area glowing with orange light. Then let the energy flow/hose continue to rise
upwards until it hits your third chakra, the navel chakra. Here the colour changes to yellow. Go down again
and draw more energy from the earth. Feel the red light in the root chakra spinning faster and faster, becoming
more and more luminous, and continue up to the second chakra, where the orange light pulses with more and more energy
and more energy - and further up to the navel chakra, where the yellow point pulsates and spins and grows
and eventually covers the entire diaphragm, and you feel how your stomach becomes completely warm, as if you
had a yellow glowing and hot sun placed in the centre of your navel, and the heat from your navel spreads and pulses
throughout your body, like rings in the water. - Go back down and draw in more energy from the outside, and let it move
upwards, through the red spinning root chakra, through the orange glowing sexual chakra,
through the glowing yellow navel chakra, and let the snake raise its head and rise further upwards towards
heart, where a glowing green point is now energised and begins to pulse, pulse, pulse, pulse and grow and
spinning, and you feel a completely happy feeling inside you as this spinning green light spreads
all over your chest. And you go back down and draw in energy from outside and let it rise up
through your chakras, and when you get to your heart chakra, you let it rise up to your throat
your throat, where you find a blue glowing point that's just waiting to be filled with this energy and that,
when the energy hits it, begins to spin and pulse and vibrate in a clear and beautiful and luminous
blue colour. Pull up energy from below, let it go through all the chakras and fill your throat chakra,
and you feel this bright blue point growing and growing, pulsing inside/outside your throat, your throat, your neck,
your shoulders, and it pulses faster and faster, and keep going until you feel this whole part of your body
permeated with blue light. Then imagine that you now have an open channel in the centre of your body that the energy is flowing
through. Go back down and draw in energy through the root chakra and let it flow upwards through your now open channel, through all the chakras.
now open channel, through all the chakras, and let it also pass the throat chakra and continue upwards to the
ajna chakra, the third eye, inside the head between the eyebrows. As soon as you send your consciousness/energy
energy here, you will feel the luminous purple point located here begin to vibrate and pulsate.
And let this point grow and fill with energy until you feel that you have a rotating luminous centre in the middle of your
your head, and don't be surprised if you suddenly feel a flash of purple light emanating from the centre right between
your eyebrows.

Go back down and pull up energy from the earth through the root chakra, up through the second chakra, then the navel
chakra, then the navel chakra, the heart chakra, the throat chakra, then into the third eye, and let the energy
spin here faster and faster until it almost explodes and shoots up through the top of the
ice, up through the crown chakra, and flows out through this in cascades of white light that
flowing down the body all the way to the feet - and repeat this for as long as you feel the need.

If you are unfamiliar with this, it may be worthwhile at first, for example, to speak this into a recording and play it back to yourself. If you are working in a group, it may be a good idea for one of the
member reads/says it out loud to the others. But eventually it will be unnecessary.

In my coven, we like to start the meetings by sitting or standing in a circle and holding hands while everyone
holding hands, while everyone concentrates on opening their chakras. Then you go down to the heart chakra
chakra again, and send energy from the heart chakra out through your arm/hand to the one on your left
side, and receive the same on your right side.

Firstly, it is important that we open the chakras before we start working, so that we are more easily able to
to utilise the energies. Secondly, - sending the energy around connects us and helps to
strengthen our group feeling or our "group-mind", which is quite essential if we are to
be able to work on things effectively together, whether it's doing rituals or healing etc.

If you are going to do healing of any kind that involves the use of the hands, the following can be quite effective as part of the preparation: After you have opened the chakras, go back down to the heart chakra, and again feel your chest fill with this green colour, this green pulsating light. Let it spread and spread outwards and upwards in your shoulders - feel it flowing through your shoulders, and then down through your arms and out into your palms, until you feel that it is really alive and pulsating in the extremely sensitive points/chakras that you have in the centre of your palms.

Closing the chakras
After consciously opening the chakras, it is also important to close them again, and there are several
ways to do this, and it is usually quite a bit quicker than opening them. When you open
chakras, it's common to move from the bottom up. When you close the chakras, it's common to
to go in the opposite direction - starting from the top and moving downwards. One method is to imagine all the
chakras covered by a pane of glass in the same colour as the chakra, and then pulling down a
curtain covering the panes of glass. One thing to note, however, is that you should not
close the bottom and top chakras. Through the bottom chakra, you draw in
etheric energy from the earth, and through the top chakra you draw in spiritual/spiritual
energy from "above". Another quite effective way to close the chakras is by eating (which
can also be a great way to ground yourself). Every Wicca meeting usually ends with a feast
with a feast of food and drink, and then we close the chakras partly without thinking about it, but there
there are certainly situations where it may be necessary/desirable to do so more consciously (we are not all big eaters
not all of us are big eaters, and food is not always available!)

The Crone

chakra Meditation