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- Category: The Chakras
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6. Chakra
The third eye
This is where our ordinary everyday self (ego, consciousness/thoughts, intellect) and the spiritual part of us, our spiritual self, meet. This is where Shiva and Shakti meet when the snake coiled around the first chakra has risen up through all the chakras, and finally lifts its head and looks out through the third eye, and you see everything through a new "lens" of universal and unconditional love.
Name: Ajna perceive, understand the third eye, command, control Location in the centre of the head body: behind the eyebrow centre Affects: pineal gland, intuition, dreams, eyes, ears, nose imagination, clairvoyance brain the 6th sense Unbalanced: headache, exhausted, worn out blindness, nightmares diarrhoea, egocentric, manipulative unexplained pain, religious fanatic, authoritarian |
schizophrenic, oversensitive fear of success Colour: purple indigo Element: light electrical, telepathic energy Mantra: OM Stones: lapis lazuli amethyst, sugilite, quartz crystal, fluorite Statement: I see, I understand |
In the same way that the first and second chakras both have an impact on sexuality, both the sixth and seventh chakras are associated with spirituality, with "Christ consciousness", with "enlightenment" and contact with the divine. For most of us, it is with the help of the sixth chakra that we occasionally manage to catch a glimpse of this.
The colour of this chakra is purple (or indigo), and for me, in a way, it has been the chakra I first 'discovered' (when I close my eyes and concentrate on the point between my eyebrows, after a short time I usually start to see purple flashes of light pulsing and pulsing).
This chakra can also be stimulated with the help of stones, and the main ones are amethyst, lapis lazuli, sugilite, fluorite and quartz crystal. The same stones largely relate to both the 6th and 7th chakra, the crown chakra.
Sugilite is a new stone, it was first discovered in 1944 and only came on the market in the 1980s. It is an opaque stone with a deep purple/purple colour. It is mostly sold in relatively small pieces as it is quite expensive. Sugilite can be used to heighten one's extrasensory awareness. It is nice to have in the hand or on the third eye during meditation, and it is used to gain wisdom. It is also a great channelling stone. It is an excellent stone for people who are hypersensitive or highly spiritually developed and who have difficulty being present in the body. It will remind them why they are here and help them feel comfortable in their body. It can help you to believe in yourself. It can also help with migraines.
Fluorite (also known as fluorspar) is an exciting and beautiful stone that comes in many different varieties. Katrina Raphaell says it's an otherworldly stone. It comes in the form of crystals, clusters and a perfect pyramid or a double pyramid (octahedron) (with the bases facing each other). The most common colours are blue, purple, white and golden. But it also comes in pink and green. They can range from translucent to transparent. One of my absolute favourite stones is a Chinese fluorite that is multicoloured with the colours green, purple and white (against shiny). It has a soft, beautiful radiance and is ideal for calming a stressed-out soul and restoring inner peace and balance. It's a great healing stone on both a physical and psychological level, and it makes you happy to look at it because it's so beautiful (at least that's how it seems to me!) The fluorite pyramid with its clear shape and bright light can be a great help when you need to clear your head. Hold it in your hand or place it on your third eye when you need to clear foggy thoughts or when your brain is overworked. If you work with your head, with computers or studies, it's a good idea to keep a fluorite cluster on your desk. It helps you to focus on what you're doing. For those of us who don't really enjoy driving, but still have to do it, it can be good to have one in the car! It sharpens your attention. Fluorite can help you to connect more easily with the spiritual and is a great stone to use in meditation. It can also be used as a link to the Akasha archives (where everything that has happened in the planet's history is stored as memories).
The golden fluorite can be worn over your solar plexus if you need to protect yourself from other people's projections and influences. The green one can be used over the heart chakra to achieve emotional balance.
Amethyst with its sparkling purple rays has an almost irresistible attraction for me. If you have an amethyst cluster in your living room, you will always have something beautiful to rest your eyes on, while it transforms and harmonises negative energies and is a strong protective stone. It is also a highly spiritual stone, and I myself often alternate between using amethysts or lapis lazuli in my jewellery when I'm doing an initiation as a high priestess. It is beautiful to have on the altar, and it is nice to use for meditation (hold it in your hand). It can be helpful for past life regressions if you place it on the third eye, and I have an amethyst lying around with my tarot cards. It is known to be effective for sleep problems - keep one on your bedside table or inside your pillow, and it is said to be able to give prophetic dreams. It can also provide positive support for alcoholics and drug addicts who are in the process of quitting. It has a strong calming effect and is an excellent stone to use during emotional storms and to strengthen your sense of self-worth. It can be used as a protective reading charm when travelling, but also as a strengthening love bond between two lovers.
Lapis lazuli
Lapis lazuli has been used in jewellery and for magical purposes by the ancient Egyptians, in Sumer and in the ancient high-ranking Native American cultures. It is a beautiful opaque blue stone with golden flecks of iron pyrite. This is also a very spiritual/spiritual stone that is ideal for use in rituals. Place it on the third eye for visualisation or astral travel - it makes it easier to achieve. Place it on top of your head when meditating. Lapis is also used to relieve high fever, and if you wear it a lot, it is also said to strengthen the eyes and vision. It is a great protective stone, especially for children (it is widely used in India, among other places). When you're healing someone, it can help you to focus on the energies you're working with.
If you are the oversensitive type, you should not wear the stone every day (it can make you "dizzy"), but rather use it for ritual or magical purposes (e.g. scrying). Use the stone with reverence and respect!
The Crone